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Maine Snow and Ice Solutions parking area with a light dusting of snow.
Original Magic High Performance Ice Melt logo.
Hilltip Spreaders logo

About Us

Maine Snow and Ice Solutions was founded in 2011 and focused on Original Magic Sales to a Dealer network.  Since then we have expanded our offerings.


We still have a Dealer network for Original Magic and we now also offer: Education and training on products, equipment, snow fighting techniques, equipment calibration and Hilltip Spreader sales and instllation.


We are committed to helping the snow industry learn, grow and implement various technologies to fight snow and ice and provide safe sites.  Responsible use of products combined with new equipment and technology protect our environment while still providing safe conditions.  Educating the public on products and techniques that professional snow fighters use.  Often the industry is viewed as a guy with a pickup truck and plow, but in reality snow plowing, de-icing and snow removal is a professional industry.


In 2019 we saw more and more local contractors struggle with obtaining and storing winter ice melt products.  In order to solve this problem, we decided to design, build and install our current system.  The only system in the state that dispenses 3 different winter products.  Pick up spreader loads of Salted Sand, Salt or Original Magic treated salt at your convenience, when you need it and in the quantity you desire.


Hilltip Spreader Sales, Service and Installation.  Spreaders and sprayers packed with technology.

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Maine Snow and ice Solutions logo.


Office & Warehouse: 

6 Pacific Street | Lewiston, ME  04240




(207) 576-3767



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